Saturday 21 April 2012

Brain ;

Brain. Brain is the main organ belonging to the human nervous system. Everyone knows that the brain has two hemispheres, but not everyone knows how they work. I remember it so clearly, my first day in Critical Literacy class. Mr.Mark lecture's has shifted my mind in response to more information about the way the brain works. 

A person who has good thoughts can never be ugly. This thoughts controlled by your own brain. Brain dont just function without the right mind having to think it through and thus brain triggers those decisions made. Brain should be filled with what is important and be done with the rest. 

            When your mind says give up, hope whispers one more try.

Your life is as pretty as how your brain functions. Sometimes brain functions in a away to cant control but you can calm yourself sown and take a deep breath and reorganize the mind and put whats important and whats not. From there, you could see that you have made right choices compared to wrong ones.

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." - Napoleon Hill

Are you a Romantic or a Libertine ;

"As we grow up, You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it’s harder every time. You’ll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You’ll fight with your best friend. You’ll blame a new love for things an old one did. You’ll cry because time is passing too fast, and you’ll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you’ve never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you’ll never get back. " - Anon

Take a pick, are you a Romantic or a Libertine? Romantic. Yes, I would say I am a romantic lover. If I am head over hills over my partner, everything falls into place like it should or even better. Everything seems right. 

"Love is based on courtly unexplained feelings..."

When you are in love, your "once upon a time starts now". If you were once broken up and living life with a dreading broken heart, think again, take a deep breath and remember no one can go back and make a brand new start, but anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. No once can say no to you own fairy tale. My parents are my treasure, they are my price possessions. The way I see how they love one another, I know there is one person out there meant for me. InsyAllah.

Therefore I am romantic, how about you?

Man & Women are merely players ;

Players or no player, is a choice. The right to choose. Why would it be a competition or even something to be proud of? I mean, really? People love because they feel the anxiety of excitement meet up and do things that they find interesting to do with each other. Say, flying kites, cafe hunting, marathon, picnic, book shopping and many more.  

The interest that these couple shares, regardless of what happen around them, isn't it lovely? So no, lets pause and question yourself, in between these lovely activity and interest you share, why on earth would you cheat or be one player and flirt around and try to peep on another relationship other than your own partner? That is a waste of time and you would feel anxious, that somehow if your partner finds out, you'll be dead meat. Why risk it? Why dont you just end the relationship and start a new one, rather hurting your partner intentionally? Yes, it would hurt your partner for leaving him or her for another lover. However, that is the best compared to  having 2 or more lovers at one time. It would be fun for you if you have the remote to control the relationship but wouldn't it be pathetic if you are that person who are being cheated by your partner? Think.

Thus, treat your loved ones, like how you would want to be treated. Simple. There is no glory in being a player, it is more disgusting than word could describe it. 

But, my advise, don't play games with a girl who can play better. That is a strong saying I cant recall where I heard of it but seriously, that is one big word. Your action might be your own karma you face later.

"Have you ever thought that if one thing hadn’t happened, a whole set of things never would have either? Like dominoes in time, a single event kicked off an unstoppable series of changes that gained momentum and spun out of control, and nothing was ever the same again. Don’t ever doubt that a mere second can change your life forever."

Fickle Friends ;

"Frenemies" ; can be bad for your health, but understanding these taxing relationships can make them less painful.

“The trouble is not in dying for a friend, but in finding a friend worth dying for.” — Mark Twain

What is the purpose having a friend or friends who is or are half enemy to you. That would not be right. Put aside the thoughts of being irritated at times or the feeling of being tick off because that will not count as a friend who annoy you turn to be your Frenemies. Just because you felt that way doesnt make your friend not your friend. Just put yourself in that position of being annoying and irritates your friend endlessly that should not make you his/her Frenemies. That is just plain childish.

Further, friends are friends, till death do us apart. Yes, to that extend it should be. Not just for lovers. Trust me, Frenemies is an absolute global issue. Why? It is because having this label makes you a faker for the fact that you are not being truthful to your friend to even label him/her that. 

For whatever reason may be, labeling your friend as your oh-so-called Frenemies, is an absolute taboo in a friendship. 

Friends are your brother and sisters, God had forgotten to make them your siblings.

If you have in mind, your friend is half friend half enemy, then they are not your friends to begin with. You see you are a decision maker on who should stay and who should not. No, not being picky, just for the fact that you would not want a toxic friend to be in your life, hence you choose. 


There is nothing more erotic than good conversation. I keep in touch with my girlfriends, all the time. Busy or not, nap time or in lecture or even in the middle of doing some task, we'll pause just so we could say Hi! to each other. Friendship is like cheese, its even better when its stored longer. I am certainly not going to get myself confuse of the people who are always around with the people who always been there. I know that doubt is not  a pleasant condition but certainty is definitely absurd. Definitely. So I have to balance when I feel anything, just anything. I am no cheap thief, I want the world, or nothing at all

Friday 20 April 2012

The Degree of Happiness ;


Happiness could be overrated these days. As happiness could depend on, if you could show to public your happiness and let them define you. If they are unhappy with your actions, you are therefore not allowed to be happy with the happiness you thought you had gained.

Simple formula, of good influence, constant support & encouragement & inspired you to better everyday. 

There are so many reasons for happiness to be gained or aimed for, say for example, being content is a degree of happiness one could have dreamt of. There are a lot of people from every walks of life, sometimes it takes your whole life to actually get to know someone. Its either you have fun, being misunderstood, or some other reaction that it'll determine whether the relationship remains or it'll just slip like it never had been built. Life, that is life. There are some people who would tell you and say no, you cant do it. Honey, you just have to "turn around & say watch me". By doing things that was thought to be impossible by others could be your happiness upon being possible to get things done your way.

You have to live this life you chose, to be collecting moments and not things, unnecessary things. It's up to you to find beauty in the ugliest days. 

 If you always do what interest you, at least one person is pleased. - Katherine Hepburn

Thinking Folly ;

                                                    "I think, therefore I am" - Descartes

By thinking there are so many things to be extract from one information to another that it'll fall into a lovely or rather unwanted story lines. It depends on the negativeness or positive vibes during the thinking process. "Thinking had become a disease". You can be slaves to your thoughts. As you can believe one thing to be true if you put your mind to it. 

However, regardless how many years the thinking had been done, it will not be accurate if it does not compromise with experience of oneself or others, the environment, and what the heart says. 


Being defined by others is rather irritating but sometimes we need evaluation from others in order to see what we think of all this while is what we thought of the outcome would be. Sometimes having too may opinions and depends on what others has to say is sadning too. Why? Because then, you would not have given your brain to function by allowing the thoughts of others rule your own thoughts.

Balance. That is the word. You might think one thing, others might thingkanother. You need to experience something in order to get the answer you want. Sometimes in decision making, the brain might say yes but the hearts may say no or vice versa. Hence, create the way of healthy thinking you can rely on, in order to be sane.

Jack the Ripper suspects ;

One of the well known, serial killer who had not been executed for the gruesome killing of 5 of helpless women, Mary Ann Nicholas, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Sride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly. 

Such chaos were caused due to the fact that "a" sole had killed another sole in a manner which was very inhumane that involves disembowelment and removal of organs. These occurred in the year, 1888, few streets of each other and were called "canonical five".

Looking back in the days where more than 10 suspects had been accused of this Jack the Ripper's action and also few had been rumored to be Jack the Ripper due to small talks, lack of thorough investigation and from the stories being created from one speculations to another. There were no precise indication saying that this Jack the Ripper had killed these women.What more, to figure the mens rea also known as intention, as to why these women had been brutally murdered. 

The suspects who had also killed their victim, were also to be unfairly taking the not so fair share of the accusation being Jack the Ripper. Just because the act of killing similar to an act of a butcher. There was nothing wrong to actually speculate. But sometimes mere speculation more than the fact and evidence itself, may lead to a very serious issue and innocents may be sent to gallows for the act that he do not do.

It is rather a shame when, one Carl Feigenbaum, who were sentence to death of the murder of his wife, upon that the solicitor had disclose unethical fact that he could be Jack the Ripper. Of all the circumstances the solicitor had the guts to disclosed the private and confidential of client and solicitors information. Look at how this supposed to be professional lawyer, came up with stories after the client's death just because he admitted that he hated women and felt like killing and mutilate them. First of, did Carl Feigenbaum really did confess such thing towards his solicitor? Who would have known the truth? If it was discussed further during the trial and execution of Carl Feigenbaum during his lifetime in court, then it could be admitted. Therefore it is not a permission passed for his solicitor to disclosed rather disgrace information that is not even being verified to begin with.

"Hearsay is nothing more than mere words that had not been verified"

Too many stories had been created just so it could fix to this one particular Jack the Ripper. Serial killers, had its on modus operandi or it is famous to be none as Similar Facts Evidence. Of which this killer could have been act the same way through killing his victims. The act, the tools, the story lines and any other occasion which could collides to be indentical to one another.

These happened way back in 1888, which was 124 years ago. Compares to now, we have super technologies to identify DNA precisely and the law had enhanced since then. It would have been best of the evidence of Jack the Ripper to be transferred to these decades and do a comprehensive investigation and set a side the hearsays and reliable informations, who knows we could have found who Jack the Ripper is?